I'm having a hard time coming up with a good research topic for a class I'm taking in college. I want to do something in the field of Sports Marketing but I am having a hard time thinking of topics that are testable. By testable I mean that these topics need to be tested through surveys, sampling, etc.
Any Ideas?
What would be a good Sports Marketing Research topic (study)? Something that can be researched and tested?
A few ideas:
is there interest in selling assigned seating to games played in a bleacher style gym - some people like the top row where there is some back support; some like front row; others want something else? you could do a survey of people on their way into the gym, find out how much they'd be willing to pay, see if it is a total bomb - just make sure you tell them it is just for your class or you'll have some folks ticked off forever....
find out if there is interest in starting a Bball or hockey or tennis or ??? exhibition match. Like the pre-season BBall tournaments in Hawaii and Alaska (great Alaska shootout). Obviously this might be bigger than you could pull off, but you could find out if there is interest in the topic. Once again, the preseason tourneys recruit student atheletes. A Division II student has little worries about getting on national TV - unless their university has a big tournament that draws division I players - the television of the events on ESPN is what draws good Div. II players to the school - and it helps athletes get exposure.
Smaller items - new surface of an athletic field, roof for it, or build it period..... sold by a marketing idea - an auction for sports related items, dinner made by coach, selling labor of football team members for a day (money goes to team not to player).
hope it helps
Reply:Two ideas. What is the per share profit derived from having an NFL or MLB stadium branded with a corporate name, such as Busch Stadium in St Louis or SAFECO field in Denver.
What is the profit ratio involved with sponsoring a community sports team; such as Bob's barber shop having their name on a little league team uniform. Or is it used as a charitable write off.
Reply:Maybe consider supplements. All athletes take them you could compare and contrast which supplements work best for certain sports but they of course have to be legal. Or you can do the huge industry of soccer which is the most popular sport, Adidas is the #1 soccer brand, I'm also in a marketing class currently, so maybe you could research nike and see how they could boost their revenue by attracting more of the soccer world. Or why adidas is so successful in the sport and why they are actually number 1.
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