I am about to embark on some Market research for a new Retail food outlet I am opening.
It's a Salad Bar, in central town who's predominant trade would be lunchtime eaters.
I would like peoples ideas on how to conduct my research and/or any good questions they think I ought to ask.
If anyone would like to give me a breif overview on what they would like to see - please feel free.
There are 10 points up for grabs for the best answer!!! :)
Ideas for market research please.... :)!?
The main angle is to boost the "health attitudes" of your customers. Salads are a great way to boost your health and stay on track for a healthy diet.
Green is in.
Getting feedback on the types of Salad Bar foods would be good for research, ie fruit salads, veggie salads, meats/fish etc. but also originality is what sets your business apart.
You need a Salad Clencher on the menu. Original, tasty and within a lunch budget.
Then you need a slogan that says "health is here and it fits you" .
Price and portion is everything.
Two big things: Don't try to make more money from an item than you should as the price reflects to the customers bargaining rational. Don't change the ingredients to cheaper ones after you open and get going.
Good Luck
Reply:you could stand on the main street where your shop would be and ask people if they are satisfied with the takeaway food that is available to them, and if there was going to be a salad bar what kind of salad choices would they like - egg, pasta, rice, mixed, ham and if they would prefer that instead of a quick sandwich, good luck
Reply:Just as a guide use real basic questions - with maybe option of answers (choose a, b or c), or Yes/No response (closed questions) and then one open one - "any other ideas/suggestions" otherwise you will be inundated with ludicrous ideas and people's preferences which may include unrealistic suggestions (best tasting food served in 10 seconds for less than 20p type responses)
Reply:Use concise, straightforward questionnaires and you can analyse a sample group that represents your target market. The larger the sample, the more reliable the results.
I work for a market research agency specialising in the research for big brands of restaurants. The most popular at the moment seems to be focus groups. This would involve sitting down existing customers of a salad bar type outlet and allowing them to discuss their experiences, what the other outlet is missing and what ideas they think would work or do work.
I would have to say that your question is rather open ended as you haven't actually said what you wish to find out. If you provide some more information i could probably go into a bit more depth of the direction you need to be heading.
Reply:You haven't said what it is that you want to know. Are you seeking to gauge local demand, price elasticity, tastes and preferences, current lunch habits?
How to conduct the research will depend on what you want to find out.
Also if you want people to stop and answer question (if you decide to use a questionarie ) keep it brief and try to give them something , a voucher, sample , branded stationary etc. They are more likely to help and will remember your company.
Also who is your target market - presumably office workers, remeber that often your competition will come to them.
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