Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is the correlation between marketing research and consumer sales growth ?

CTU student!!!!

The correlation is knowing what the consumer wants, and providing it. Marketing research looks at trends in sales and studies all of the variables, i.e. price, color, availability, and styles, and the best way to give the customer what he or she wants. If you can give the customer what they want, they will buy, and let friends and family know where they got it. Making them happy makes the money

What is the correlation between marketing research and consumer sales growth ?
hello ctu students just happen to walk on this. hope u all doing well on your paper. I think im almost done.
Reply:Oh yes i have worked retail for 7 yrs and have seen how things can work. There wasa study done to say that most people go to the right when they walk into a store. The store i worked at moved all store brand items there because before it was brand name. the thinking was that people go look for brand names but not store brand clothing. The store brand clothing had a jump in sales while the name brand remained the same. People would come in looking for lets say a pair of pants Dockers but they saw the store brand first and it was cheaper. They would buy the store brand and the Dockers.

That is just one example. My friend has a degree in marketing and her MBA and they use marketing research in trends etc to entice people to buy thier products
Reply:I am like Malinda, and I am curious are you maybe a student at ctu online, I am. I was researching the same question. I have gathered enough research material to get started. If you really need help email me and I will be glad to help you out buddy.
Reply:CTU ROCKS!!!! Sike! I thought I found a source when I read this headline. :-( Only to find out that its a CTU classmate asking a question about!
Reply:You don't happen to be taking English 115 at CTU Online, do you?
Reply:CTU student!!! I am in desperate need of some help need some sites to look for the info

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