Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why Marketing Research involve in any Small Business and Nonprofit Organizations?

Marketing Research in Small Business and Nonprofit Organizations

Marketing research does not only occur in huge corporations with many employees and a large budget. Marketing information can be derived by observing the environment of their location and the competitions location. Small scale surveys and focus groups are low cost ways to gather information from potential and existing customers. Most secondary data (statistics, demographics, etc.) is available to the public in libraries or on the internet and can be easily accessed by a small business owner.

Why Marketing Research involve in any Small Business and Nonprofit Organizations?
Because even small businesses and non profit organizations need to know:

- what their markets/customers/stakeholders want

- what triggers do their customers respond to

- feedback of their customers about their products or services

- how they can improve their web presence

All of which can be learned through market research

teeth sundance

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