Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do companies follow market research process?

Yes. Many companies rely on market research to know everything about their products

- one ice cream brand I know conducts extensive taste tests before introducing new flavors

- one top 500 manufacturing company conducts tests on the color of their logo and where the logo should be positioned in the box of their detergent soap

- one think tank I know even conducts focus group discussions to learn what their target audience want in terms of tax research

Companies often hire market research companies to do the market study for them. The market research companies make sure that they follow accepted industry practices such as sampling, confidentiality, etc. Typically, the commissioning company watches the market research company like a hawk during the conduct of the study to minimize if not totally avoid any mistakes in the process.

Do companies follow market research process?
yes. it is important to know your market.

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